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Revista ETF | TFE Journal
Vol. 21 - No. 2
June 2022
ISSN 1676-1790

Capa Reterm


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The editorial of Thermal Engineering of this issue continues the discussion on scientific research needs in vital areas in which thermal engineering has important participation. The main goal is to motivate the readers, within their specialties, to identify possible subjects for their future research.

Obituary: It was with great sadness that we received the news of the death of Prof. Raymond Viskanta. In 1992, during my doctoral course at Duke University, I had the pleasure of visiting Purdue University, at the invitation of my friend Marcus Vinícius Andrade Bianchi, who at the time was doing his doctorate under the supervision of Prof. Viskanta. Upon arriving at Purdue I was invited to make a presentation of my scientific research, during which I had the privilege of having Prof. Viskanta in the audience, who honored me with several questions, and after we were introduced I started to grow enormous respect for the human being I had just met. His commitment to teaching and scientific research, and his almost paternal profile with his students were evident. Later, in 2001, on the launch of Thermal Engineering, I invited Prof. Viskanta to integrate the Editorial Advisory Board, which he promptly accepted and remained until his departure from this world, with his admirable nature of contributing to the scientific evolution of his peers in developing countries, such as Brazil, with less support for scientific research than in the United States of America. Thus, Thermal Engineering expresses its gratitude and wishes his family to overcome this difficult time with great faith and strength of spirit.

The mission of Thermal Engineering is to document the scientific progress in areas related to thermal engineering (e.g., energy, oil and renewable fuels). We are confident that we will continue to receive articles’ submissions that contribute to the progress of science.

José V. C. Vargas, Ph.D
Technical Editor



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Outras edições: Vol.1 - nº1 (before Nº1), Vol.1 - nº2 (before Nº2), Vol.1 - nº1 (before Nº3), Vol.1 - nº1 (before Nº4),
Vol.3 - nº1, Vol.3 - nº2, Vol.4 - nº1, Vol.4 - nº2, Vol.5 - nº1, Vol.5 - nº2, Vol.6 - nº1, Vol.6 - nº2, Vol.7 - nº1, Vol.7 - nº2,
Vol.8 - nº1, Vol.8 - nº2, Vol.9 - nº1-2, Vol.10 - nº1-2, Vol.11 - nº1-2, Vol.12 - nº1, Vol.12 - nº2, Vol.13 - nº1, Vol.13 - nº2,
Vol.14 - nº1, Vol.14 - nº2, Vol.15 - nº1, Vol.15 - nº2, Vol.16 - nº1, Vol.16 - nº2, Vol.17 - nº1, Vol.17 - nº2, Vol.18 - nº1,
Vol.18 - nº2, Vol.19 - nº1, Vol.19 - nº2, Vol.20 - nº1, Vol.20 - nº2, Vol.20 - nº3, Vol.20 - nº4, Vol.21 - nº1.

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